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1.5.7 英語放送スクリプト編: JR西日本・関空/紀州路快速

90年代, 開港当初には車掌さん肉声の英語案内があったらしい関空快速。
当時は関空特快ウイングとか, ウエスト関空なんていう種別もあったらしいけれども


 223-0 @日根野



僕が関空を利用するようになってからは関空・紀州路快速はすでに併結運転をしていました。停車駅がどっさり増えたイメージで(桜ノ宮・天満・福島・日根野-和歌山), 最近はJR東日本の特急の人が英語アナウンスを担当しているみたいです。



Thank you very much for using JR West. This is the Kansai Airport Rapid Service bound for Kansai Airport and Kishuji Rapid Service bound for Wakayama. We will soon be making a brief stop at Fukushima. After leaving Fukushima, we will be stopping at Nishikujo. Thank you.

Attention please. We will soon be making a brief stop at Nishikujo. Passengers transferring to the JR Yumesaki Line, please change trains at Nishikujo. After leaving Nishikujo, we will be stopping at Bentencho. Thank you.


新今宮・鳳 乗換案内

Passengers transferring for JR Namba, please change trains at Shin Imamiya.
Passengers transferring for Higashi Hagoromo, please change trains at Otori.
どこどこへ というときは for

天王寺 乗換案内

Passengers transferring to the Osaka Loop Line and the Yamatoji Line, please change trains at Tennoji. 
何線に というときは to を使うみたい。


Thank you very much for using JR West. This is the Kansai Airport Rapid Service bound for Kansai Airport and Kishuji Rapid Service bound for Wakayama.
This train will be uncoupled at Hineno. Please check your car number displayed above the side doors, or on the digital displays.
The first four cars, cars number 1 through 4 are bound for Kansai Airport. The last four cars, cars number 5 through 8 are bound for Wakayama.
前4両 1−4号車は関西空港行き, 後4両5−8号車は和歌山行きです
We will be stopping at Sakaishi, Mikunigaoka, Otori, Izumi Fuchu, Higashi Kishiwada, Kumatori, and Hineno stations. After leaving Hineno, the Kansai Airport Rapid Service will be stopping at Rinku Town. The Kishuji Rapid Service will be stopping at every station. Thank you.


Attention please. We will soon be making a brief stop at Hineno. This train will be uncoupled here.
Please check your car number. Car numbers are displayed above the side doors or on the digital displays. The first four cars, cars number 1 through 4 are bound for Kansai Airport, stopping at Rinku Town.
号車番号をお確かめください。扉の上, デジタル表示に記載があります。
前4両, 1−4号車は関西空港行きで, りんくうタウンにとまります。
The last four cars, cars number 5 through 8 are bound for Wakayama, and will not go to Kansai Airport. The Kishuji Rapid Service will be stopping at every station. Thank you.
後4両, 5−8号車は和歌山行きで, 関西空港にはまいりません。紀州路快速は各駅に停まります。


After leaving Rinku Town, we will soon be arriving at Kansai Airport terminal.


Attention please. We will soon be arriving at Kansai Airport terminal. Thank you very much for using JR West.
列車で関西空港に着くと, なんだかワクワクするのは僕だけでしょうか!?
なんかこれから旅が始まるので とても清々(すがすが)しい感じ。
記事を読んで楽しいと思ってくださった方, よろしければぜひ, 読者になってください!




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